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Magazine | Feature

Swatting Flies at Exeter

In 1981 the late Zen teacher Maurine Stuart started a sitting group at Phillips Exeter Academy, the exclusive New Hampshire boarding school renowned for its academic excellence. The meetings were originally held in the wrestling room.…

By Mariner E. Padwa

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Magazine | Books

Books In Brief: Spring 1993

ZEN WORD, ZEN CALLIGRAPHY Text by Eido Tai Shimano Calligraphy by Kogetsu Tani Shambhala Publications: Boston, 1992. 160 pp., $50.00 (clothbound).   THE ZENGO OR ZEN WORDS and phrases in Kogetsu Tani’s calligraphy cut right to…

By Sam Hamill

Magazine | In the News

Media Watch

UNPRECEDENTED GAULSkeptics and naysayers had a field day when French Vogue announced that the Dalai Lama would be the guest editor of the Christmas issue. But the magazine, which has just hit the stands stateside (complete…

By Tricycle

IdeasMagazine | On Translation

What’s in a Name?

SO MANY DIFFERENT NAMES exist for the Buddha that one might, in the course of perusing ancient texts or contemporary literature, easily assume that Gotama and Gautama and Shakyamuni and Siddhartha were the best of friends…

By Stuart Smithers

Magazine | Reviews

Consciousness Explained

CONSCIOUSNESS EXPLAINED Daniel C. DennettLittle, Brown & Co: Boston, 1991.511 pp., $14.95 (paperback). “CONSCIOUSNESS EXPLAINED” resounds with a sensationalistic, promising ring, something like “The Pyramids Deciphered” or “Madonna Unveiled.” The latter subject has, of course, generously…

By William Greenberg

Magazine | Editors View

After Apathy

YOGEN SENZAKl (see “Ancestors“), the first Zen teacher to take up residence in America, taught Zen at a time when there was almost no interest in it. And the challenge of forging a compatible marriage between…

By Helen Tworkov