It is not possible
To control all external events
But, if I simply control my mind,
What need is there to control other things?

The anger, fear, and confusion that has rippled through the country for some time came to a head last night when Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States. Regardless of your political affiliation, it’s undeniable that the nation has entered uncharted territory. Here in New York City, where Tricycle is headquartered, the tension is palpable. 

What do the Buddhist teachings have to offer us in such times of stress, turbulence, and uncertainty? In sum: the radical notion that when we cultivate an equanimous mind, even the most extreme external circumstances do not hold sway. 

Here are five essays and one video teaching that offer refuge amid great anxiety and change. Consider these pieces a Buddhist “care package” to inspire healing in the often acrimonious and dispiriting atmosphere of the recent political upheaval. 

May all beings benefit.

1. Pema Chödrön, “The Fundamental Ambiguity of Being Human”

2. Thanissaro Bhikhhu, “What Is True Safety”

3. Sayadaw U Pandita & Gil Fronsdal, “A Perfect Balance”

4. Thich Nhat Hanh, “Cultivating Compassion”

5. “Talking With the Other Side,” an interview with Krista Tippett


Watch: Finding Stability in Turbulence: Meditating When Things Get Tough with Michael Stone

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