It’s hard to believe that summer is already winding down (especially when the temperature outside our office is 92 degrees) but hints of Fall are popping up all over the place—this morning I walked by a window display where mannequins were transitioning from neon bathing suits to earth toned pea coats. With each season comes not only a change in clothing and weather, but also a new issue of Tricycle. So here it is, the Fall 2010 issue featuring actor Jeff Bridges on the cover—a notable departure from our past cover images. Inside you’ll find Katy Butler’s interview with Bridges, novelist Anne Cushman on the yoga of creativity, Tibetan monk Matthieu Ricard on why we should meditate and whether he really is the happiest man in the world, an art portfolio by Zen calligrapher Kazuaki Tanahashi, and a special “Good Work” section devoted to Gulf Coast environmental organizations. To discover what else is inside the Fall 2010 issue you’ll have to pick up your own copy, on newsstands any day now. For more of Jeff Bridges, don’t miss the videos of his recent conversations with Zen teacher Bernie Glassman. Click here for Part 1 and here for Part 2 of the Tricycle web exclusive in which Bridges discusses being The Dude, meditation, his involvement with The End Hunger project, and the Socially Engaged Buddhism Symposium. Enjoy the Fall issue!

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