This month we’re very pleased to host a special community discussion with Koshin Paley Ellison and Robert Chodo Campbell of the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, a New York City-based Buddhist organization that offers compassionate care to the sick and dying. The discussion centers around our society’s inability to face up the reality of aging, sickness, and death, despite the tremendous opportunities that arise when we creatively engage these realities. We’re sadly lacking in end-of-life care, and it’s a growing problem. As Robert Chodo Campbell wrote recently,

When one is approaching the end of one’s life, there is a wonderful opportunity to look at all that is really important. So often I have heard the words “If only I had………..” “I wish I would have told him/her……….”

And you can help support NYZCCC’s amazing work. In addition to the special community discussion, we’re pleased to offer Tricycle Community Members the opportunity to make a $5 donation to support the work of this groundbreaking organization through the Tricycle Karuna Fund. 100% of all donations given through the Karuna Fund, which is named after the Sanskrit and Pali word for Compassion, go to their recipients, in this case the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care. We feel very lucky to be able to partner with like-minded organziations doing such amazing work! Turn your compassion into action: Support the New York Zen Center for Conetmplative Care through the Tricycle Karuna Fund today!

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