The current Tricycle Retreat led by Ani Pema Chödrön and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Being Brave, Transforming the World, is in full swing, with over 40 comments. The discussion is led by Acharya Adam Lobel, pictured at right.
A participant writes:
In my life, there have been times when I experienced a sense of unworthiness, fear, and many other “emotional and mind states”. I find that ego is always on site asserting itself, but it is during those “states” that it does so even more, in one form or another. It never takes a vacation. It is as if the ego feels that it will lose whatever ground it has already gained, or there is a chance that it might be put out like a flame.
And Adam Lobel responds, in part:
It’s good to have this exchange together. You have a clear and insightful awareness of the way your fear of groundlessness leads to increased ego-activity. Ego’s basic job is to secure us, and make us feel that we have solid ground under our feet. So when difficult emotional states arise, ego is very quick to want to jump in and pull everything together.
Watch the Week 1 video and join the discussion here. The retreat is open to Tricycle Community Supporting and Sustaining Members.
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