It was a good year. And to showcase just how good, we’ve put together the crème de la crème of Tricycle in 2013. From the story of how Tibetan Buddhism really came to America, to the hilarious ups and downs on the path to enlightenment, to HHDL as an angry Marxist, our list below (with clickable images!) has it all. This year, we also introduced Tricycle Original Shorts and featured 12 eclectic teachers in our online retreats. Let us know if we missed anything and what your favorites of 2013 were in the comments section. And Happy New Year!
From the magazine:
The Examined Life: The lessons of Zen monk and professor Seido Ray Ronci inspire the student in all of us
Tricycle Original Short: Timeless wisdom and martial arts from Shifu Shi Yan Ming, a 34th generation Shaolin monk transplanted to New York City
The Art of Being Wrong: Novelist Henry Shukman explains why being wrong can be the best thing that ever happened to us
A Question of Faith: Scientist Rupert Sheldrake questions the dogmas common to his profession
Context Matters: Warning: Don’t assume that Buddhism transcends cultural mores. An exclusive interview with Buddhist scholar David McMahan
From Russia with Love: The Bourne Migrancy—the action-packed, politically fraught journey of how Tibetan Buddhism first came to America
A Life Too Long: One family’s journey through the labyrinth of modern medicine’s war on death
Okay As It Is, Okay As You Are: Zen teacher Merle Kodo Boyd recalls her journey from the segregated South to the meditation hall
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Enlightenement: A uniquely uproarious account of the agonies and ecstasies of quieting the mind
Sex in the Sangha… Again: Four accomplished Buddhist teachers discuss what exactly is causing sex scandals in the sangha and how external change must come from within
From the blog:
10 Misconceptions about Buddhism: You think you know, but you have no idea: the little-known truths behind the big ideas of Buddhism
We Are Not Kind Machines: Scholar, author, and meditation master Lama Jampa Thaye doses out a radical rejection of scientific Buddhism
The (Justifiably) Angry Marxist: The Dalai Lama speaks on the usefulness of anger and the resonance between Marxism and Buddhism, calling himself a Marxist

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