In our Spring 2010 issue, which contained a special section on Generosity (and Greed), we included spread on Buddhist or Buddhism-related charities and not-for-profits that are doing good work around the world.  We did a second installment for the Summer 2010 issue and are currently working on a third for the August issue. While we are close to complete, we are still open to suggestions.  In fact, we will be doing this every quarter so consider it an open invitation.

Please email charity and not-for-profit recommendations to

So far we have covered the Foundation for the People of Burma, Buddhist Global Relief, Himalayan Art Resources (the best way to assist in their efforts is simply to learn about wonderful art), Lotus Outreach, Piyarra Kutta, Buddha Jyoti Himalayan Youth Club Nepal, The Tzu Chi Foundation, Nonviolent Peaceforce, and the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding. Give them a look and if you feel inclined, help!

(PS- Tricycle: the Buddhist Review is also a not-for-profit so feel free to keep us in mind here)

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