May I be a good doctor for those who suffer from illness,
a guide for those who have gone astray,
a lamp for those who dwell in darkness,
a source of treasure for those in poverty and need.
-Vows of Samantabhadra, Avatamsaka Sutra
I was very happy to recently learn about the work of Grow Biointensive Agriculture of Kenya (G‐BIACK) via the Facebook Page of Buddhist Global Relief. It is estimated that 60% of the Kenyan population goes to bed hungry each night, but as Samual Nderitu of G‐BIACK explains in the video below, this can be combatted simply by moving away from the unsustainable and toxic farming methods that are currently widely practiced and returning to the indigenous farming methods that have provided sustenance to the people of Kenya for centuries.
Buddhist Global Relief is an incredible not-for-profit charity organization founded by Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi, a renowned Buddhist teacher, translator, and activist. With an immediate focus on providing food aid to people affected by lack of food security and a long-term goal of combating all manifestations of poverty, BGR not only provides financial support to groups doing good work throughout the world, but also works closely with them to help shape their projects. Because BGR is a superbly run all-volunteer organization, over 95% percent of donations to them go directly to the groups they support.
The Tricycle staff recently visited Bhikkhu Bodhi at the Chuang Yen monastery in Carmel, New York, and it was a very productive and illuminating trip. Beyond discussing all of BGR’s work, mission, and the ways we would like to help, Bhikkhu Bodhi also agreed to write a practice piece for our Fall issue and to lead November’s Tricycle Retreat!
To learn more about Buddhist Global Relief, the projects they aid, and ways to help, please visit the BGR website. To give directly to G‐BIACK, please visit their site. To learn more about G‐BIACK’s work and about the importance of sustainable farming worldwide, please watch the video below:
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