At the Washington Post‘s “On Faith” blog, Clark Strand writes about his friend Mark, whose “Om stones” and remarkable life featured prominently in Clark’s recent Green Meditation Tricycle retreat. (He also writes critically of the recent PBS documentary,”The Buddha.” Clark begins:

Last Saturday I spent the day helping the daughter of my friend, the late Harvey Mark Rogosin, go through his house to see what to keep and what to throw away. Mark was a Buddhist legend here in Woodstock, New York, a town sometimes dubbed “the buckle” of the Buddha Belt, because the surrounding regions hosts the highest concentration of Buddhist monasteries, temples, and meditation centers anywhere outside of Asia, a fact which has led one expert to predict that it will become a pilgrimage site for future Buddhists–the place they go to remember a time when Buddhism in America was still young.

Read the whole thing. It’s well worth your time.

UPDATE: Here’s the stone referred to in Clark’s comment (#3):

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