The F.D.A. says milk and meat from cloned animals is safe to eat:
Tuesday’s decision means cloning technology could move into commercial use a mere decade after the world learned of the existence of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell, in Scotland. To create Dolly, scientists took an unfertilized sheep egg and removed the genetic material. They then inserted the genetic material from an adult cell. Machinery within the egg somehow reset the clock on the adult genes, and the new cell, after implantation into a surrogate mother sheep, developed into Dolly. This technique has since become routine in laboratories, with clones produced in numerous species — not including humans, so far as is known. In public discussion, the technology is sometimes confused with other techniques that involve genetic manipulation, such as by transferring genes into animals from unrelated species. But cloning is simply the creation of an identical genetic copy, with no tweaking of individual genes. While most Americans have never seen a cloned animal, farm families have been seeing them for years at agricultural shows, and many have gradually grown comfortable with the notion of cloning as the next big thing in animal husbandry.
See, the U.S. can still be a leader in adopting new sciency-type doohickeys and whatnots. And more Buddhist architectural remains are found in Orissa in eastern India:
After the discovery, local villagers rushed to the spot and stopped the digging. The villagers also informed the local administration requesting the authorities to take steps for the preservation of the site, he said. Orissa has a host of ancient Buddhist sites – Ratnagiri, Udaygiri, Lalitgiri, Kuruma, Brahmavana, Langudi and Ganiapali. Excavators have found large domes, monasteries, sculptures and other objects of archaeological importance at those sites.

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