Yesterday afternoon the philanthropist Drew Katz, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, and Buddhist scholar Bob Thurman announced The Newark Peace Education Summit, a 3-day peacemaking summit hosted by the city of Newark in May. The event is co-sponsered by the Drew A. Katz Foundation and Tibet House US. According to the event press release, the summit will be attended by Nobel laureates, civic leaders, organizations, scholars, and activists from all over the world and will include workships and discussion panels that will focus on peace and nonviolence. The Dalai Lama will attend the summit as a chair and keynote speaker at the event.

From the Drew A. Katz Foundation’s website:

The Newark Peace Summit will bring local, national, and international activists and thinkers together to highlight the common elements of peacemaking as a basis for creatively engaging basic human potential to solve problems faced by individuals, communities, and nations. It is our sincere wish to bring together extraordinary partners whose creative solutions have fostered peace, dignity, and hope on many levels. The five topics from thematic structure of the Summit are:

• Peace Within

• Peace at Home

• Peace in the Community

• Peace in the World

• Peace with Animals, the Environment, and the Planet

The objective of the summit is to illustrate the importance of nonviolence in today’s society. In addition to the Summit, the organizers also have an interest in partnering with local nonprofits to draw attention to their existing programs. Their efforts will focus on highlighting community building methods to create collaborative partnerships with the intention of making Newark a more peaceful, prosperous and beautiful place to live, study, visit, and work.

Newark Peace Summit

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