According to a report by the Associated Press, there is growing support for Tibet in China. Speaking today of the estimated 4,000 Tibetans imprisoned in the wake of last year’s anti-Chinese riots in Lhasa, the Dalai Lama, quoted in the report, claims that sympathy for Tibet is growing:

“Many Chinese are showing solidarity with us,” the Dalai Lama said in a hockey arena in Lausanne, where he was giving two days of public teachings on Buddhism to up to 6,000 spectators. “Among the Chinese officials, also a number of officials (are) privately showing their concern, their solidarity.”

Although immediate hopes for Tibetan autonomy remain dim, the Dalai Lama remains “very hopeful” for the long term, “citing over 600 articles he said were published last year by Chinese people in support of the Tibetan cause.”

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