The subject of Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s Tricycle Retreat is the Ten Perfections, also known as the paramis (Pali) or paramitas (Sanskrit). The Perfections comprise primary Buddhist virtues that are essential on the path to enlightenment. (Read more about the Ten Perfections here.) Dana—generosity—is a cornerstone of the Ten Perfections. This month we are pleased to introduce the Tricycle Teachers Fund to support Buddhist teachers, who offer the teachings freely. The practice of dana by students and laypeople has been vital in supporting Buddhist teachers since the time of the Buddha. In January, during Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s retreat, your generosity—in its entirety—will support Metta Forest Monastery, where he is abbot, and its good works!

We are very pleased to be able to bring the members of our community together with teachers in this simple yet profound way. In the months to come, we will provide more opportunities for dana, so that the teachers who bring us the dharma can flourish for a long time to come—and we can continue to host their teachings on!

Here’s how to get involved:
Join the Tricycle Community at any member level. To participate in Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s Tricycle Retreat, you must join at the Supporting or Sustaining Member level.
• Make a voluntary contribution of $5 to the Tricycle Teachers Fund. All contributions made in January will be donated in their entirety to the Metta Forest Monastery.
• Download the e-book Skill in Questions and start reading immediately.
 • Join Thanissaro Bhikkhu in his Tricycle Retreat on The Ten Perfections from January 3 through January 30.

Already a Tricycle Community Member?
Click here to make a voluntary contribution to Metta Forest Monastery via the Tricycle Teachers Fund and download the e-book.

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