Check out the new issue of Tricycle, now available online. The Winter 2011 magazine includes a special section on Generosity, an interview with Buddhist blogger Brad Warner, three articles by dharma practitioners that don’t fit the pervasive Western Buddhist stereotype, a feature by Dharmavidya David Brazier on why mindfulness is more than self-help, and a portfolio of photographs taken by Don Farber at the Kalachakra for World Peace in Washington, D.C.. 

Tune in to to listen, watch, and discuss content related to the Winter issue, including a video interview with Ogyen Trinley Dorje the 17th Karmapa, a recording of Michael Wenger reading his koan study “It Was Worth It,” a discussion of the Reciprocity Foundation’s work with homeless youth, a slideshow of Don Farber’s photographs, and the free downloadable e-book Tricycle Teachings: Generosity.

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