From the viewpoint of Vajrayana, “ultimate truth” is found in the relative, and nowhere else. Relative truth—our lives experienced nakedly, with no overlay—always arrives as a fissure in the fabric of our conceptual world. It feels risky because it’s pointing to an area that is unknown to our egos; and the invitation to the Vajrayana practitioner is to step through that fissure—to go toward it, to trust it, and to open to it. And the interesting thing is that on the other side it’s dark. You actually can’t see the essence of the relative situation you’re in before you step through. It’s very much a kind of darkness practice because you’re stepping into something, but you have absolutely no idea where you’re going to land or even who you’re going to be on the other side. The surrender is that complete. This is how you live in the relative world while practicing in an ultimate way. 

Reginald A. Ray, from “The Vajrayana Journey is an experience of love, power, and freedom.” (Winter 2010)

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