This week on we begin our long-awaited Tricycle Retreat, “Being Brave, Transforming Our World,” led by Anu Pema Chödrön and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. The Sakyong will lead off with his teaching on Basic Goodness—see the video preview below. Pema Chödrön, the most beloved of all Western-born Buddhist teachers, will present teachings in Weeks 2 and 3, and then the Sakyong willl conclude the retreat with a fourth and final teaching. Visit the retreat here.
To celebrate December’s Tricycle Retreat with Pema Chödrön and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Tricycle and Shambhala Media together offer Being Brave: Transforming Our World, an exclusive Tricycle Edition DVD Set featuring these two beloved Western Buddhist teachers in talks and meditations aimed at awakening the kindness and courage needed to change the world. This offer is open to all Tricycle Community Members—get yours here.
Also on we’re featuring two discussions: “Obstacles and Roadblocks: What Keeps You From Practicing?” and a Book Club discussion of Jason Siff’s Unlearning Meditation, “What to do when the instructions get in the way.” Join the discussion!
We’re also featuring teacher of Tibetan Buddhism Ken McLeod in his ongoing series, 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva. Watch his commenatary in the Verse 9 video here.

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