
Anyone can sign up for the week-long, non-degree courses, which focus on classic texts

Imagining the Future of Buddhist Studies
A scholar shares the history of the Collective Buddhist Studies Manifesto and asks, “How do we center the margins?”

Personal Reflections Education
Teaching the Whole Student
How English professor Bernie Rhie incorporates contemplative practices into his teaching and why it feels more urgent than ever.

How to Hone Moral Attention—and Why It’s So Important
A professor uses wisdom from Asian religions to help millennial students regain focus and the benefits that come with it

American Spirituality in Stereo
The American Religious Sounds Project is an ambitious new database that keeps an ear out for religion in everyday life.

Buddhist Elementary School Forging a New Path
Dharma guides pedagogy at The Middle Way School in Woodstock.

Ideas (Meta)Physical Education
Why I Won’t Carry a Gun in School
A Zen practitioner and gym teacher argues that we need fewer weapons, not more

Is Anything Sacred About A Classroom of Kindergartners Breathing Together?
How a program based on a carpenter’s toolbox is changing the way students learn across the country.

Meditation (Meta)Physical Education
(Meta)Physical Education
Buddhist lessons from an elementary school gym teacher

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