Special Sections

Tricycle celebrates 30 years.

Then & Now
All things are subject to change—even the opinions of Tricycle contributors.

TeachingsMagazine | Special Section
How to Serve Humanity
His Holiness the Dalai Lama in conversation with Daniel Goleman

CultureMagazine | Special Section
Finding the Voice, Performing the Self
In a 30th-Anniversary discussion, Stephen Batchelor and Ruth Ozeki explore the rituals and mysteries of creativity.

Buddhism by the Numbers: 30 Years
How religion in America and the Tricycle Foundation have changed

MeditationMagazine | Special Section
Meditations Off the Beaten Path
An introduction to the special section

MeditationMagazine | Special Section
Breathe Deep
The key to meditative concentration is not mental, but physical—and you can find it in your lower abdomen.

MeditationMagazine | Special Section
Listening to Silence
Complete stillness leads to complete awakening.

MeditationMagazine | Special Section
The Elemental Self
Connecting with the earth, fire, water, and air within us connects us with all of existence.

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