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Magazine | In the News

In the News Fall 1995

Change Your Mind Change Your Mind (CYM), Tricycle’s second annual day of meditation in Central Park, opened with a surprising and auspicious event: a white heron flying above the grassy slopes of Mineral Springs Hill. Only…

By Tricycle

IdeasMagazine | From The Academy

The H Word

In 1987, the Zen Buddhist Temple of Ann Arbor, Michigan, sponsored a conference on “World Buddhism in America.” The title was meant to convey the fact that representatives from various Buddhist traditions had gathered to talk…

By Donald S. Lopez Jr.

Magazine | Letters

Letters to the Editor Fall 1995

Is the Pope Catholic? In considering the disparaging views on Buddhism in the Pope’s recent book Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Donald Lopez identifies their source as “nineteenth-century mis­sionary literature,” which reflects the assumptions of our “colonialist…

By Tricycle

IdeasMagazine | On Gardening

Kokopelli’s Sack

For the late-season gardener there is no escape from the great ripening of August. The hands of every gardener are stained tell-tale brown with the gummy residue of unruly Ailsa Craig tomato plants. Try as we…

By Wendy Johnson

CultureMagazine | Reviews

Dharma Doors

The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha Translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu BodhiWisdom Publications: Boston (1995).1412 pp., $75.00 (cloth). This new translation offers the complete text of the Majjhima Nikaya, a collection of 152 suttas that are among…

By Clark Strand