
The Buddhist Review
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IdeasMagazine | Feature

The Tripitaka Koreana

Nine hundred years ago, the Korean peninsula was under siege. From their northern homelands, barbarian tribes known as the Khitans raided cities and towns, laying waste to countless Korean lives. The Korean military successfully repulsed the…

By Robert Young

IdeasMagazine | Feature

The Western Pure Land

Christmas Humphreys, a noted early English Buddhist scholar and proponent of Zen, once declared Shin “a form of Buddhism which on the face of it discards three-quarters of Buddhism. Compared with the teaching of the Pali…

By Alfred Bloom


Magazine | In the News

In the News Summer 1995

On March 3 a Vietnamese Buddhist monk was stabbed to death by a homeless man whom he had taken into his temple in Philadelphia. Thich Hanh Man, 43, had served only three months as resident monk…

By Tricycle

MeditationMagazine | On Practice

Mantra: Tool for Thinking

The Sanskrit word mantra combines the root man (“to think”) with the suffix tra (“instrument” or “tool”). Therefore, mantra means literally “tool for thinking.” Since earliest Buddhist times, the repetition of sacred phrases has been used…

By Tricycle

natural buddhanature

TeachingsMagazine | Dharma Talk

Being Natural

Let it go and be spontaneous, Experience no going or staying. Accord with your nature, unite with the Way, Wander at ease, without vexation. The most important thing in practice is to be natural and spontaneous.…

By Master Sheng-Yen

Magazine | Letters

Letters to the Editor Summer 1995

Down By Law Regarding the ten-million-dollar lawsuit against Sogyal Rinpoche for sexual abuse [Spring 1995 In the News]: While Sogyal Rinpoche remains innocent until or unless proven guilty, whether or not he is within the ignoble…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Editors View

Going to the Dogs?

“Buddha!” she called. “Come here! Buddha!” Her command had yet to work, and the young woman anxiously fingered the visor of her baseball cap. “Buddha!” “You call your dog Buddha?” I asked in disbelief as a…

By Helen Tworkov

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