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Magazine | Letters

Letters to the Editor Winter 1996

Conflicts of Interest Every time I turn to your letters page I find another batch of readers canceling their subscriptions, citing some outrage to their sensibilities like gay tantra or Richard Gere. Do you realize that…

By Tricycle

Magazine | On Gardening

A Non-Repeating Universe

Years ago Richard Baker Roshi described the field of Zen practice as a “non-repeating universe.” Whenever I sow seeds, I remember these words. Every garden sown from seed is a world within a world, a complete…

By Wendy Johnson

CultureMagazine | Reviews

Books in Brief

LAO-TZU’S TAOTECHINGTranslated by Red PineMercury House: San Francisco, 1996.179 pp., $12.95 (paper). This new translation by Red Pine (himself a kind of modem-day Taoist) comes complete with 2,000 years of commentaries on each of Lao-Tzu’s laconic…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Parting Words

Black Teapot

When I say “the black teapot” I’m surprised that everyone knows what I’m talking about. So little of it is black. And yet you and I know which teapot I mean. We’ve agreed to call this…

By Deanna Forbes

Magazine | Editors View

Whaddya Mean, “We”?

So far we have received some fifty responses to the anti-gay letters published in the previous issue. To provide a brief synopsis: in issue number 20 we published an interview with Tibetan scholar Jeffrey Hopkins and…

By Helen Tworkov

Magazine | In the News

In the News Winter 1996

IN MEMORIAM: PHILIP YAMPOLSKY Philip Yampolsky, renowned translator and scholar of Zen Buddhism, died of complications due to pneumonia on July 28, 1996. He was seventy-five years old. Yampolsky, born in New York City on October…

By Tricycle