The Buddhist Review
Back Issues

In This Issue

In the Wild Places
A Zen teacher wanders into the heart of his father’s final days.

Dharma Wars
What is it about the Internet that turns Buddhist teachers into bullies?

His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
A portfolio of photographs by Don Farber.

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
My Bad
How has a mistake, shortcoming, or misfortune enriched your Buddhist practice?

Out of the Skeleton Garden
On things that go flap in the night

Within You Without You
Like a telescope launched into orbit beyond the distortions of the earth’s atmosphere, shamatha meditation provides a platform for exploring the deep space of the mind.

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
No Excuses
There are no obstacles, just opportunities. Take them now. An interview with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo on the eve of her retirement

Letters to the Editor Winter 2009
A selection of letters sent by Tricycle readers
The Joy of No Ambition
A letter from Tricycle’s editor, James Shaheen
Contributors Winter 2009
Featured contributors include B. Alan Wallace, John Tarrant, Chase Twichell, and Neal Crosbie

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Insights
Private: Love Becomes Her
Nicole Daedone thought she wanted a bicycle. What she really wanted was love.

The Heart of the Matter
Thich Nhat Hanh answers three questions about our emotions

Thirsting for Enlightenment
Ayya Khema likens the path to a walk through the desert.

Love Story
A cautionary tale from Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Right Acting
The “Sopranos” star Michael Imperioli is a Buddhist, not a bad guy

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | How We Live
She’s Got the Beat
Cheri Maples gives new meaning to the words “peace officer.”

MeditationMagazine | In My Life
Wild Berries
Taste the moment.

MeditationMagazine | Dharma Talk
A More Complete Attention
To really see each other, we have to bother to look

Unlimited Friendliness
Three steps to genuine compassion

MeditationMagazine | Meditation
Do Nothing
A guided meditation by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

No Words
Zen poetry is everything you might expect it to be, and less. An interview with Seido Ray Ronci.

MeditationMagazine | Thus Have I Heard
Busy Signal
How multitasking leads to ignorance

MeditationMagazine | On The Cushion
Reflect, Without Thinking
On learning how to enjoy our little human dramas

There Must be Some Kind of Way Out of Here
Does practice have to be torture?

Something Important
The evolution of a Buddhist feminist

Enlightened Reading
Dharma transmission through poetry and prose

What I’m Reading: Winter 2009
The Grijpstra and de Gier crime novels

What I’m Reading: Joseph Goldstein
Betraying Spinoza

Sacred Circles
Maps of Enlightenment
Books in Brief
Covering the latest in Buddhist publishing

CultureMagazine | Dedication of Merit
Variation on a Theme by King David
"Praise to you! / Praise to you my snappy love!"