To celebrate 20 years of Tricycle we’re offering a free e-book to Tricycle Community Supporting and Sustaining Members. 20 Years, 20 Teachings, features some of the best teachings, interviews, and reflections by Tricycle’s top teachers and writers. For example, here’s a gem from Joseph Goldstein’s contribution, “One Dharma”:
As Western Buddhist practitioners, we’ve been brought up to question and investigate, and this exploration can become a great strength of our dharma practice. The different teachings that are coming together and interacting here in the West are being tested and challenged by each other. We’re hearing different teachings, we’re reflecting on them, and we’re practicing them and testing them in our own lives, in our own meditation experience. Many of us are practicing in several of these different traditions. It’s not uncommon for people to list as their various teachers Tibetan Rinpoches, Chinese, Korean, or Japanese Zen masters, Thai ajaans, Burmese sayadaws, and Western teachers of every school. We may have various opinions about whether or not this mixing is a good idea, but it is what is happening. And so our challenge is to understand it and craft it in such a way that it becomes a vehicle for awakening.
Here’s how to get your e-book:
Join the Tricycle Community at the Supporting or Sustaining Member level. If you are already a Tricycle Community Supporting or Sustaining Member, you are pre-qualified for this special offer. Download your free e-book and start reading immediately.
Already a Tricycle Community Member? Click here to take advantage of this special offer.