Einstein writes that “the most important decision you will ever make is whether you live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe.” Is this true? What allows us to trust in the power and presence of love? In this talk, Tara Brach explores the trance that obscures our intrinsic belonging, and the practices that reveal our shining, beautiful hearts.
Tara Brach, Ph.D., is a leading western teacher of Buddhist meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening. She has practiced and taught meditation for over 35 years, with an emphasis on Vipassana, also called mindfulness or insight meditation. Tara is the senior teacher and founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington.
Tara is a peace activist and an engaged Buddhist. She is co-founder of the Washington, DC Buddhist Peace Fellowship. A clinical psychologist, she is the author of Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha. Her upcoming book, True Refuge: Three Gateways to a Fearless Heart will be published by Bantam in 2012.
Tara is nationally known for her skill in weaving western psychological wisdom with a range of meditative practices. Her approach emphasizes compassion for oneself and others, mindful presence and the direct realization and embodiment of natural awareness.