Visit the Ocean of Dharma blog and you may just win a free copy of The Collected Works of Dilgo Khyentse, one of the great Tibetan teachers of the last century. But you’ll have to visit Ocean of Dharma and let them know what you think makes a great teacher. Recently, Triker Monty McKeever blogged on his own childhood experiences of Dilgo Khyentse and on his excitement about the upcoming visit of his 17-year-old incarnation, Khyentse Yangsi. For more about the Ocean of Dharma collected-works offer, see Carolyn Gimian’s email pasted below. Carolyn is founding director of the Shambhala Archives. CELEBRATING DILGO KHYENTSE
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was a man of advanced spiritual knowledge. [While I was a young man in Tibet,] he undertook to give me special instruction. I felt drawn to him as if he had been my father; and thus I often addressed him without any shyness or doubt. He was very tall and dignified and never seemed in a hurry. What he did was perfection of its kind, even the way he walked into the hall showed this quality; all he said was expressed to perfection. In fact, he surpassed anyone I had ever met. His writings were equally remarkable, and added to this he was a poet and had a gift for telling delightful stories. Dilgo Khyentse gave me private teaching. When he left after several months, this was so great a sorrow and shock to me that for a few days I could neither study nor eat. Condensed and Edited from “My Childhood at Dutsi Tel,” in Born in Tibet, in The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa, Volume One, page 52.
This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest 20th Century teachers of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (1910-1991). The Collected Works of Dilgo Khyentse, Volumes One through Three, has just been published by Shambhala Publications to celebrate this event, as well as to commemorate the visit of Rinpoche’s reincarnation to the West this summer. Shambhala Publications and Ocean of Dharma are giving away a copy of this wonderful collection. To enter the giveaway, visit the Ocean of Dharma blog and leave a comment telling us what you think makes a great teacher. A winner will be randomly selected on Monday, June 14. Read the blog here. And when you do, don’t forget to sign up to Ocean of Dharma’s weekly nuggets of wisdom—already more than 8,000 of us do!