Our friends at Dartmouth College and the Upper Valley Zen Center were kind enough to inform us of their upcoming Seminar on Buddhism and Medicine. It looks like quite an event!
Perspectives on Life, Death, and the Healing Arts
A Seminar at Dartmouth College, Friday, April 16th, 4:00 pm to Saturday, April 17th 4:30 pm
Around the world and throughout history an individual’s power and capacity to heal has been connected, more or less directly, to spirituality. This is true not only where “traditional” medicine is practiced; it can also inform the ways contemporary doctors in conventional settings interact with their patients. This seminar explores a Buddhist perspective on health, illness and the healing arts with Tibetan physician, Buddhist monk and Public Health Ph.D (UCLA) Kunchok Gyaltsen. Other presenters include anthropologists engaged in cross cultural study of health and illness and local practitioners of medicine and Buddhism. The format includes lectures, invited response, audience comment and opportunity to engage in Buddhist meditation practice.
-Dr. Kunchok Gyaltsen, Ph.D. UCLA School of Public Health, Kumbum Tibetan Medical Hospital, Quinghai Tibetan Medical College
-Eric Jacobsen, Ph.D. Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School.
-Theresia Hofer, Ph.D. University College, London;Welcome Trust for the History of Medicine.
-Barbara Gerke, Ph.D. University of Oxford, Visiting Professor, Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth College; International Trust for Traditional Medicine, India (1994 to 2008).
Local Practitioner Panel. Charles Meyers, acupuncturist and lay ordained Zen monk; Dr. Richard White, Family Practice Physician; Dr.Lori Alvord, surgeon and member, Navajo tribe; Nancy Kilgore, pastoral psychotherapist.
Opening presentations Friday, April 16th, 4:00 pm (Rockefeller Hall, Room 3) Moving to Tindle Lounge (Thayer Dining Hall) on Saturday, April 17th, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Free and open to the public. Please register in advance and send inquiries to buddhismandmedicine@dartmouth.edu.
For a flier containing complete schedule info, please click here.