Could this be because the junta wouldn’t let anyone else help?:
The Burmese authorities were by far the greatest providers of medical assistance to its population after cyclone Nargis despite the widespread international criticism of a poor response by the military junta, according to an analysis released on Wednesday. A report summarised in the latest issue of the World Health Organisation’s Bulletin says government doctors, nurses and midwives were far more active in offering treatment and medicines to cyclone survivors than non-governmental organisations and individual volunteers.
And many of those who protested a year ago are still in prison.
Chaos continues in Thailand as protesters demand the resignation of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, who won’t budge.
Plus, Mikel Dunham’s Buddha Warriors, dealing with the CIA in Tibet around the time of the Chinese invasion, is now available in Tibetan. Probably not available for sale in Lhasa, though. Try Dharamsala.