The Indian state of Uttar Pradesh wants an airport at Kushinagar to serve the “Buddhist circuit.” Kushinagar is where the Buddha attained parinirvana. Wikipedia:
As the scene of his death, [Kushiniagar] became one of the four holy places declared by the Buddha (in the Mahaparinibbana Sutta (ii. 140) ) to be fit places of pilgrimage for the pious, the other three being Kapilavatthu, Buddhagaya and Isipatana (D.ii.140).
Business Standard:
Although the circuit covering Sarnath, Kushinagar, Sankisa, Kaushambi, Shravasti and Kapilvastu attracts pilgrims and backpackers from all over the world, especially Japan and South East Asian countries, the immense potential of the circuit is still to be unlocked due to government apathy and lack of infrastructure facilities.