Rigdzin Shikpo, a student of Shambhala-founder Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, has been practicing Buddhism since the 1950s. An heir to Trungpa’s lineage but independent of the Shambhala community, his book Never Turn Away: The Buddhist Path Beyond Hope and Fear (Wisdom Publications, 2007, $14.95 paper, 192 pp.) is an inspired look at the relationship between meditation and everyday life. Rigdzin Shikpo encourages the reader to turn toward experience rather than shirk from life’s possibilities, admitting in the opening chapter that such an approach might well be called “the path of embarrassment.” His clear, practical writing makes this book the perfect guide to the compassionate practice of bodhicitta, which allows us to discover “our awe-inspiring nature, which is hidden beneath the surface, like precious ore concealed in mountains.”