Alan Senauke of the Berkeley Zen Center just sent us word of a new program that has been started by Clear View Project, a Buddhist-based relief organization. “Adopt A Monk” aims to help monastic political prisoners in Burma in the aftermath of the Saffron Revolution. According to Clear View, there are currently 220 monks and 8 nuns imprisoned in Burma under draconian restrictions:

Their only possessions [upon arrest in 2007] were their robe, begging bowl and their vows. In jail, they are stripped of robes and bowls, and are not allowed openly to follow their monastic vows.

Many monks have received lengthy sentences—up to 68 years. In prison all monks and nuns are forcibly disrobed, most are tortured. They face deprivation, humiliation, inadequate nourishment, and almost no medical care.

To find out how you can support the monks and nuns imprisoned in Burma, visit the Clear View Project website or email