In this two-part talk originally given at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington this past September, Tara Brach discusses embodiment and disembodiment, describing our bodies as “portals of awakening.”
Weaving together fables, quotes, and her own personal stories and wisdom, Tara illuminates the ways that our mind and thought patterns often interfere with our ability to be present in the here and now. This kind of disembodiment is common and easy to fall into, especially, as Tara explains, in the prevailing American culture that emphasizes consumerism.
Embodiment, or “being in our bodies,” connects us to our senses and our moment-to-moment experience, awakening us to our full aliveness.
Watch the videos below, made available here in conjunction with IMCW. Throughout the week (2/11-2/17), Tara Brach will be available to answer questions you have about the talks. Post them in the comment section below and she’ll get back to you.
And be sure to check out Tara’s new article, “Finding True Refuge,” on working with difficult emotions, in the current issue of Tricycle here.