8 a.m. After breakfast and morning meditation, I walk on the 1.2-mile path around the Bhavana Society’s property. I do two laps, and it takes two hours. On my walk I see deer, squirrels, many birds (including pileated woodpeckers), newts, rabbits, turtles, snakes, groundhogs, frogs, and skunks. Occasionally I see a bear, and several years ago I saw a mountain lion.
11 a.m Bhante Jayasara and I, as well as the other monastics at the Bhavana Society, receive lunch in our alms bowls, which is one of the original requirements for Buddhist monks and nuns.
12 p.m. After lunch, I attend to my regular daily work of answering emails and telephone calls, as well as meeting with visitors and showing them around the center.
4 p.m. Community meditation is from 4 to 6 p.m., and then I meditate by myself from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Related: Going Upstream
See previous installments of “A Day in the Dharma” featuring Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo, cofounder of Sakyadhita and Jules Shuzen Harris, abbot of Soji Zen Center.