Welcome to Tricycle Meditation Month, our annual challenge to commit to a daily practice throughout March. Whether you’re new to meditating or a longtime practitioner, our free 31-day challenge is a great way to kickstart your practice and set aside more time for calm and clarity in your life. We’ll be supporting you along the way with an array of meditations, tips, inspiration, and resources. Our free offerings throughout the month include:

  • A new guided meditation video each week from our Meditation Month teacher Sebene Selassie, a leading Insight Meditation teacher and author 
  • A live call with Sebene to ask any question you have about your practice
  • A steady stream of helpful articles on Trike Daily, including classic and contemporary Buddhist teachings
  • A Facebook discussion group where you can share your experience and connect with practitioners from all over the world
  • A weekly newsletter to keep you up to date on everything going on
  • Our evergreen meditation section of Buddhism for Beginners

Sign up here to take the Meditation Month challenge.


Mindfulness of the Four Elements: Reconnecting with the World 

with Sebene Selassie

Starting on Sunday, March 1, Sebene will lead a series of four guided meditation videos from the New York Insight Meditation Center in Manhattan. New videos will be posted every Sunday. 

In her series, Sebene draws from the Buddha’s instructions for  contemplating the four elements—earth, fire, water, and air—as a foundation of mindfulness practice. Sebene shows how this oft-overlooked practice from the Satipatthana Sutta uses the elements as metaphors for how we experience ourselves and the world, and to help us see our inherent connection to nature. She also offers pointers and exercises for bringing the mindfulness cultivated on the cushion into your daily life. 

The schedule is:

You can also tune into Sebene’s live call on Wednesday, March 11 at 12:00 p.m. (EST) to ask her any questions you have about your practice here.

Sign up for Meditation Month!

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More Meditation Month articles: