A beloved father is tended by his daughter; a young man’s partner dies of AIDS; an ex-lover cares for a victim of leukemia. In these and other stories, Buddhists talk about how their practice supported the as they cared for those they loved. With teaching from Judith L. Lief, Frank Ostaseski, Philip Kapleau, and Sogyal Rinpoche.
Judith Lief on Beginning at the Beginning
Raja Hornstein’s A Caregiver’s Story
Judith Lief on the Contagious Power of Presence
Frank Ostaseski on What to Do When the Going
Gets Rough
Tony D’s Caregiver Story
Philip Kapleau on Breathing Together
Sogyal Rinpoche on Being a True Friend
Deborah Jaymati Levi’s Caregiver Story
Kaz Suzuki’s Caregiver Story
Sogyal Rinpoche on the Blessing of Atmosphere
Frank Ostaseski on Lending Our Bodies