
Faced with a question from her niece, a Buddhist practitioner reckons with the legacies of patriarchy within the tradition.

CultureMagazine | Openings, What's in a Painting?
Just the Essentials
A contemporary artist Anan Im remains faithful to the Tantric text.

In the Cards
Tensho David Schneider shares a a Lunar New Year card featuring the symbol for Avalokiteshvara written in Siddham script.

Buddha Buzz Weekly: Buddhist Monk Rescued After Being Trapped in Cave
A Thai monk is rescued after being trapped inside a cave for days, two Tibetan motorcyclists embark on a journey across India, and a communal matcha ceremony in Japan changes due to COVID-19. Tricycle looks back…

Meditation Meditation Month 2021
Taking Care of Others (Without Exploding into a Thousand Bits)
Timely advice for countering burnout

CultureMagazine | Books, Reviews
With Eyes in All Directions
Prominent writer and social critic Rebecca Solnit takes on the whole American mess in Call Them by Their True Names.

Buddha Buzz Weekly: Oct. 6, 2018
Canada revokes Aung San Suu Kyi’s citizenship, the Jogye Order picks a new leader, and Taiwan bulldozers raze a communist shrine at a Buddhist temple. Tricycle looks back at the events of this week in the…

Himalayan Buddhist Art 101: Avalokiteshvara
Exploring the multifaceted Avalokiteshvara in Himalayan Buddhist art
Personal Reflections Tibetan Buddhism
Thoughts on Buddhism and Prayer
I remember being very young and being given my first prayer wheel. I wasn’t given any explanation or instruction aside from that it “had blessings in it” and that I was supposed to spin it clockwise. …

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