An argument to abandon preconceived prejudices against different Buddhist traditions.
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Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Openings, Podcasts
Fearless Zen
An excerpt of a conversation between Cristina Moon and Tricycle’s editor-in-chief, James Shaheen
Hungry Ghosts of the Attention Economy
Philosopher Byung-Chul Han’s theory of Buddhism and burnout
Finding the Ox’s Footprints
Leaving home, resistance, and love
Dogen in a Hammock
On learning to appreciate reading difficult texts
Best of Buddhist Fiction Summer 2024
Tricycle’s editors cast their picks for the best Buddhist fiction and poetry for your beach-reading consideration.
In Memory of My Childhood Friend
A poem from Tibet's preeminent 20th-century artist and intellectual
Orgyan’s Teeth
A short story about a reincarnate lama from one of Tibet’s most prestigious auteurs
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