Teachings Parables of the Lotus Sutra
On how to use the nightmarish narrative to find agency in the here and now
Does a Robot Have Buddhanature?
A leading figure in the field of robotics investigates.
Personal Reflections How We Live
How Meditation Teacher Valerie Brown Combines Buddhist and Quaker Practices
In a recent episode of Life As It Is, dharma teacher Valerie Brown discusses the relationship between buddhanature and the Quaker understanding of the soul.
Personal Reflections Compassion
Is Your ‘Tea Boy’ Primordially Buddha?
A former legislator struggles to see the Buddha in her political opponents.
TeachingsMagazine | In Brief, Teachings
The Empty Room
A brief teaching from a Chan teacher
On Not Being Special
Only a lucky few attain enlightenment, but there is nothing special about them—or you.
Meeting Heartmind
Dispensing with our differences, we can acknowledge our shared humanity.
MeditationMagazine | Dharma Talk
The koan of just sitting
Consider the Source: Origins of the Wild Goose Pagoda
Tourist groups that visit the Terra Cotta Warriors inevitably visit Xian’s other famous landmark, the Wild Goose Pagoda, an icon central to the development of Chinese Buddhism. In this post I will explore why the Wild…
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