Buddha’s life

A professor of Japanese religion discusses what manga and myth can teach us about the creativity of the Buddhist tradition.

What the Buddha Taught His Son
The Buddha’s teachings to his son Rahula can offer guidance on imparting spiritual wisdom to children.

TeachingsMagazine | Ask a Teacher, Teachings
What Is One Misconception About the Buddha?
Bradley Donaldson discusses a side of the Awakened One that you don’t hear about.

Unanswered Questions in Buddhist Studies
Four essential questions in the field from one of its leading scholars

The Dharmic Life
The Buddha’s journey from upper-class royalty to no-class enlightenment had enough twists and turns to fill a saga. Each stage of his life contains lessons on freeing ourselves from suffering applicable to our own lives here…

TeachingsMagazine | Thus Have I Heard
A Modest Awakening
Ordinary nirvana

IdeasMagazine | Shakyamuni Buddha: A Life Retold
The Austerities of the Bodhisattva
Shakyamuni Buddha: A Life Retold

IdeasMagazine | Shakyamuni Buddha: A Life Retold
Rolling the Wheel
This episode of the life of Shakyamuni Buddha, as retold by Nikkyo Niwano, starts in Bodh-gaya following the Buddha’s enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. The decision to turn the dharma wheel initiates a teaching mission that…

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