Buddhism and Psychology
Acceptance and commitment therapy, which integrates psychological science with Buddhist ideas, offers a helpful framework for seemingly impossible situations.
Finding Our Way to the Feeling World
Tsoknyi Rinpoche and Daniel Goleman in coversation with James Shaheen
TeachingsMagazine | Special Section
How to Serve Humanity
His Holiness the Dalai Lama in conversation with Daniel Goleman
An Understanding Beyond Words
A yearly retreat bridges the gap between Buddhism and psychoanalysis.
What School of Buddhism Is Right for You?
A psychologist and former monk explains how to find the tradition most suited to your personality.
How Parents and Children Can Learn Balance and Equanimity from the Eight Worldly Winds
How well your family approaches and learns from hardship determines your family’s ability to weather the storm, psychologist Christopher Willard writes in his new book, Raising Resilience: The Wisdom and Science of Happy Families and Thriving…
IdeasMagazine | Special Section
Scientific Spirituality
How mindfulness became the Buddhist fulfillment of a Protestant dream
Less religion, more practice
The Los Angeles Times reports that Jack Kornfield is in Los Angeles this weekend to give a talk on CG Jung’s journals at the Armand Hammer Museum and to lead a three-hour meditation retreat at InsightLA.…
The Transcendent Imperative
At a time when our spiritual traditions struggle to remain relevant in a culture dominated by scientific materialism, Andrew Cooper considers the pros and cons of a new religious model based on the psychology of “flow.”
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