buddhist nuns

Creating sand mandalas with the Jangchub Choeling nuns

Maya Devi’s Daughters
A Theravada monk offers education and opportunity to the girls of Lumbini, the Buddha’s birthplace.

Aung San Suu Kyi’s Lawyer Says He’s Not Allowed to Speak About Her Case
The deposed civilian leader has been detained since February 1. Plus, LGBTQ monk and makeup artist is named one of TIME’s 2021 Next Generation Leaders, and a climate report reveals uprooted livelihoods in Tibet. Tricycle looks…

Five Powerful Poems Inspired by Some of the First Buddhist Women
The First Free Women: Original Poetry Inspired by the Early Buddhist Nuns, republished in June of this year, gives new life to poems in the Therigatha.

The Aunt with a Grandmotherly Mind
On the maternal love and power of Mahapajapati, the Buddha’s stepmother

CultureMagazine | Parting Words
"A life of debts I could never repay / pushing in on all sides / like the weight of the sea."

The Rising Generation of Female Tibetan Buddhist Leaders
A new class of nuns engages in fierce debates for the geshema, the highest degree in Tibetan Buddhism that was off limits to women for centuries.

PHOTOS: Tibetan Buddhist Nuns in the Himalayas
"Daughters of Buddha" is a project that documents the daily lives of nuns for a Western audience.

Of Mara and Men
Early Buddhist nuns stand up to the demon Mara, in this context a symbol of aggression and misogyny, and face him down.

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