Buddhist Poetry

From messianic saving to the great boat of liberation

Verses of Transformation
Sister Dang Nghiem’s latest book brings together over three decades of her poetry, charting her journey from grief and trauma to insight and compassion.

CultureMagazine | Parting Words
Mourning Song
A poem by Lekey Leidecker

CultureMagazine | Parting Words
The Miraculous Functioning of the ‘I’
A poem by Kusan Suryeon

CultureMagazine | Parting Words
Buddhist Ruminations
An ode to practice by the late feminist poet of the Beat Generation

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
Finding the Words
In his seventy-fifth year, a surprising thing happened to meditation teacher Joseph Goldstein: He began writing poetry.

I Open The Window
Jane Hirshfield reflects on interior and exterior worlds in a poem from her latest collection.

Resting in the Not-Knowing
Four poems from John Brehm’s new collection, Dharma Talk

CultureMagazine | Books, Reviews
A Fleeting Dream
Tue Sy’s poetry navigates ultimate and conventional reality in every line.

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