TeachingsMagazine | Dharma Talk, Teachings
Chronic Illness
A teacher with a chronic affliction on the value of being present with physical suffering
The Noble Truth of Pain
A teacher with a chronic affliction on the value of being present with physical suffering
Personal Reflections Working with Pain
From Fighting to Flourishing
Mindfulness teacher Vidyamala Burch shares how her relationship with her spinal injury shifted when she dropped the fantasy of finding a cure and prioritized healing instead.
Pretending to Be Sick
Illness and awakening in The Sutra That Vimalakirti Speaks
Dancing in the Dark Fields: The Teachings of Illness
A chronic, painful illness delivers the message of a different kind of freedom to Zen priest Florence Caplow.
Personal Reflections Illness & Care
My Grass Roof Hermitage
A Soto Zen priest learns to embrace the life of a hermit while living with illness in a small space
Stuck in Slow Motion
An unexplained, all-encompassing fatigue forces a Zen teacher to take life at an easier pace.
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
The Myth of Moving On
Writer Suleika Jaouad navigates the aftermath of illness and explores the in-between places.
The Sun Behind the Clouds
Buddhist songwriter Laura Mustard’s path toward self-acceptance
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