
In his speech to UCLA’s graduating Humanities students, Professor Robert E. Buswell, Jr. emphasizes self-reliance and “seeing things as they are” on the path to realizing their dreams.

Personal Reflections Education
Teaching the Whole Student
How English professor Bernie Rhie incorporates contemplative practices into his teaching and why it feels more urgent than ever.

How to Hone Moral Attention—and Why It’s So Important
A professor uses wisdom from Asian religions to help millennial students regain focus and the benefits that come with it

Magazine | A Day in the Dharma, Openings
A Day in the Dharma with Wangmo Dixey, executive director of Berkeley’s Dharma College
Her daily life at an institution that brings dharma to modern life

Broadening the Field of Buddhist Studies
Colleges continue to offer courses in languages while expanding to reach new audiences in different disciplines.

Personal Reflections Environment
Sit, Wait, Find
The college assignment that became a lesson in Zen

Two Young Graduates Return to Ladakh, Looking to Give Back
The Siddhartha School has changed the lives of many children in Ladakh. Now, two young alums of the school are giving back to their community in new ways.

Buddhists on Campus
Dharma groups at colleges and universities often serve as an introduction to life’s big questions.

Calm College Offers Free Guided Meditations to Select University Students
The meditation app hopes to help students hit the books and improve their mental health.

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