
If we use up our energy to resist our circumstances, we won’t be able to dedicate it to the work of true transformation.

Meditation Meditation Month 2021
Meditation Month 2021: Contemplate and Perceive
Week 3 of Guo Gu’s guided meditation videos

MeditationMagazine | Practice, Teachings
The Lost Art of Contemplation
How to digest a dharma talk and meditate on its wisdom

Learning to Contemplate the News
Contemplative media studies students learn how to reclaim their attention, and their compassion.

Magazine | Buddhism for Beginners, Teachings
What Is a Koan?
The following is from Buddhism for Beginners, our Q&A-based website designed to cover the Buddhist basics.

MeditationMagazine | Special Section
The Elemental Self
Connecting with the earth, fire, water, and air within us connects us with all of existence.

Skunked by Gratitude
A run-in with a skunk provides a chance to give thanks

An Ocean of Blessing
Encountering the effects of the hottest, driest year on record

What We’re Made Of
Meditations for the ICU

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