contemporary art

Mixing spiritual iconography and surreal visuals, Tenzin Gyurmey celebrates the complexity of the Tibetan diaspora in India.

Familiar Symbols
Deciphering Squeak Carnwath’s abstract oil paintings, dotted with buddhas, letters, and colorful grids

Untold Moons
David Orr’s abstract mandalas offer a glimpse into a cosmos of infinite realms.

Precious Scars: Art as Practice
A series of photos encouraging us to embrace our emotional and physical scars, followed by a Q&A with the artist.

CultureMagazine | Art, Reviews
No-Self Portraits
How Buddhists D. T. Suzuki and John Cage influenced the art of Gerhard Richter

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
The Art of Solitude
The challenges and rewards of being alone

Transforming a Thai Temple Garden into Abstract Art
A Thai artist’s installation at a historic site creates a physical space for our inner world.

Tibet 2.0
A new contemporary art show asks what it means to be Tibetan.

Tradition Transformed
Contemporary Tibetan art has finally come to New York City. The Rubin Museum is currently hosting “Tradition Transformed: Tibetan Artists Respond,” the first ever exhibition of contemporary Tibetan art in NYC. From the Rubin: The exhibition…

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