Deep ecology

We have to accept the reality that climate change is already here and learn to live in our new world—a world on fire.

Personal Reflections Environment
The Awake Activist
How can we hold a spacious and loving attitude even in times of hardship? A visit with Joanna Macy offers some clarity.

The Salmon Sermon
As endangered coho salmon slowly return to Green Gulch Creek in Marin County, California, a community reflects on the reality of our interdependence.

TeachingsMagazine | In Brief, Teachings
What Waits in The Dark
A brief teaching from a Zen teacher

How To Channel Eco-Anxiety
Learning to live between despair and hope

Myth and Meaning
Science can take us only so far. What we need now are myths to rewrite our relationship with Earth.

Turning Word
Deborah Eden Tull, a Buddhist teacher and deep ecologist, talks about a Buddhist book that made a significant impact on her practice.

6 Quotes from Thich Nhat Hanh on Saving the Planet
A new book collects writing from the Zen master and peace activist on deep ecology, engaged action, and collective awakening.
The Dalai Lama and the BP Oil Spill
Planet Green published an article yesterday entitled, “How Heeding the Dalai Lama’s Advice Could Have Prevented the BP Oil Spill.” Using a statement about interconnectedness on the Dalai Lama’s Facebook page as a launch pad, Matt…

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