Teachings Meditation Month 2025
dharma talk
Tibetan Lama Za Choeje Rinpoche on how to be aware of awareness in our day-to-day lives
Teachings Meditation Month 2025
Knowing Our Thoughts As Thoughts
In an excerpt from her Dharma Talk, “Beyond Distraction: Five Practical Ways to Focus the Mind,” Buddhist teacher Shaila Catherine offers a framework to examine different modes of thought.
Remembering as an Act of Cultivating Clear Awareness
As a part of the May We Gather series, Chan teacher Rebecca Li reflects on the role of memory in healing and growing in wisdom and compassion.
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On Wanting to Sound Good
How my dog checked my ego
Taking the Ecosattva Path: Equanimity and Fierce Compassion
Kaira Jewel Lingo discusses the path of the Ecosattva, exploring how compassion and equanimity work together to keep us balanced, grounded and resourced.
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Beyond Form and Emptiness
We can't find freedom without limitations.
TeachingsMagazine | Dharma Talk, Teachings
Meditation and Jodo Shinshu
Shin Buddhism is known for emphasizing chanting over sitting, but according to one priest, the two work best together.
TeachingsMagazine | Dharma Talk, Teachings
Dreaming Together
In the theater of life, emptiness and compassion go hand in hand.
The Consolation of Amitabha Buddha
Satya Robyn invites us to recite the nembutsu, the core Pure Land practice, for a taste of Amitabha's consolation.
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