The film The Menu skewers grind culture and the economic systems it serves.
The Buddha on Poverty and Plutocracy
In a recent dharma talk, David Loy emphasizes the economic roots of the climate crisis and calls for structural, not just individual, change.
Ask a Teacher
Justin von Bujdoss, a Buddhist teacher and the author of the upcoming Modern Tantric Buddhism, explains that retreats away aren’t necessary for spiritual development.
Magazine | By the Numbers, Openings
Buddhism by the Numbers: The Economics of Mindfulness
The happiest and unhappiest apps, apps' annual revenues, the ranking of meditation apps, and more data on the economics of mindfulness
Opinion: Are Corporations Anti-Dharma?
A corporate lawyer and an economist explain why certainty about the greed of corporations should make a Buddhist nervous.
Buddhism and the Market
How a Buddhist understanding of mutual debt can free us from the pressures of building and growing wealth
The Economy of Salvation
To achieve the Buddhist goal of release from karmic debt, we must annul economic debt.
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
White Trash Buddhist
Do you have to break the bank to break into the upper middle way? A Kentucky native shows us what practice looks like on minimum wage.
Spending Wisely
Peter Alsop speaks with Allan Hunt Badiner
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