gender equality

A transgender Tibetan scholar provides context for the Dalai Lama’s problematic statements and explains why we shouldn’t rush to judgment.

Buddha Buzz Weekly: “Journey Toward Equality”
Bhutan takes steps to decriminalize homosexuality, Australia honors Ajahn Brahm’s service to gender equality, and China’s Panchen Lama makes his first trip abroad. Tricycle looks back at the events of this week in the Buddhist world.

An Artist’s Buddhist-Feminist Renaissance
Michela Martello draws on her Italian and Buddhist roots to raise questions around gender and womanhood.

Mind the Gap
How might Buddhists navigate the #MeToo movement?

Men Have Work to Do
An Interview with Zen Priest Greg Snyder on Brooklyn Zen Center’s Undoing Patriarchy Sangha

What Would Dogen Zenji Say About #MeToo?
Our supposedly progressive culture could learn some feminist lessons from the 13th-century Zen master.

Are We There Yet?
Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo reflects on the role of women in Buddhism and the work that still needs to be done.

Kung Fu Nuns Planning to Teach Hundreds of Himalayan Women Self-Defense
These active Buddhist nuns are helping women in India and Nepal to empower themselves through martial arts.

The Man-made Obstacle
Distinguishing between problems of human birth and problems of human making

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