Inquiring Mind
The late Zen master and father of Engaged Buddhism provides steps for embracing a more tranquil mindset in your meditation practice and everyday life.
Who Was She?
Reflecting on the transitory nature of the self images we carry
Are We All Hungry Ghosts?
A Buddhist psychotherapist on transforming self-loathing into wisdom
Indigenous Dharma
Native American and Buddhist practitioners in conversation about the relationship between spirituality and the Earth.
Love as the Expression of Emptiness
Joseph Goldstein describes the benefits and means of letting go of the mind’s habits of attachment and delusion.
The Next Buddha May Be a Sangha
The late Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh on the importance of community in our practice
What Do You Say?
A communication coach shares guidance on cultivating skillful communication habits, informed by systems theory and Buddhist principles of right speech.
Mindfulness in the Office
Andrew Olendzki explains how a challenging—even overwhelming—job can be an ideal practice ground for insight meditation.
What the Buddha Taught His Son
The Buddha’s teachings to his son Rahula can offer guidance on imparting spiritual wisdom to children.
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